Thursday, October 25, 2012

100 Chambers Level 1-40 Walkthrough

100 Chambers Walkthrough Chamber 2

1. TAP all four red squares

2. TAP the door

100 Chambers Walkthrough Chamber 3

1. TAP and drag boulder to the side

2. TAP red outline to turn green

3. TAP the door

100 Chambers Walkthrough Chamber 4

1. TAP and drag planters into square

2. TILT device to move bookshelf to side

3. TAP the door

100 Chambers Walkthrough Chamber 9

1. TAP left button 2 times

2. TAP right button 4 times

3. TAP left button 5 times

4. TAP right button 3 times

5. TAP left button 1 time

6. TAP right button 2 times

7. TAP the door

100 Chambers Walkthrough Chamber 10

TILT phone to move ship right and left.

TAP any button to shoot.

Must clear level to pass.

100 Chambers Walkthrough Chamber 11

1. TAP crowbar to activate

2. TAP vase to break

3. TAP both purple dots to turn yellow

4. TAP and drag both pillars to middle

5. TAP two other purple dots to turn yellow

6. TAP dot on floor to turn green

7. TAP and drag pillars to sides

8. TAP the door

100 Chambers Walkthrough Chamber 35

1. TAP GREEN button (snake)

2. TAP BLUE button (wave)

3. TAP RED and GREEN buttons (sun)

4. TAP RED button (cherries)

5. TAP GREEN button (clover)

6. TAP RED and BLUE buttons (eggplant)

7. TAP BLUE button (earth)

8. TAP RED and GREEN buttons (banana)

9. TAP GREEN and BLUE buttons (ice cube)

10. TAP RED and BLUE buttons (rose)

11. TAP GREEN button (frog)

12. TAP ALL 3 buttons (cloud)

13. TAP RED button (fire)

14. TAP RED and GREEN buttons (lemon)

15. TAP ALL 3 buttons AND DOOR (use 4 fingers)

100 Chambers Walkthrough Chamber 36

1. TAP both levers

2. TAP screwdriver to activate, tap door handle 3 times

3. TAP screwdriver to unactivate, tap door handle

4. TAP crossbow to activate

5. SHOOT barrel in the hole 3 times to break

6. TAP gold button

7. TAP screwdrive to activate

8. TAP floor tile toward upper right

9. TAP purple button

10. TAP the door

100 Chambers Walkthrough Chamber 37

This one is random

1. TAP three green bricks

2. TAP doorway with the EYE over it (5 times)

3. TAP screwdrive to activate

4. TAP wood cog under boulder

5. ROTATE device to the right

6. TAP the door

100 Chambers Walkthrough Chamber 38

1. TAP soccer ball to keep in the air until it hits and break the fan

2. TAP screwdrive to activate

3. TAP door knob

4. SHAKE device to drop hammer

5. TAP hammer, then tap to activate

6. TAP door knob

7. TAP the door

100 Chambers Walkthrough Chamber 39

1. TAP skulls in this order:

 Left, Top, Right, Bottom

Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Right, Bottom Left

2. TAP the door

100 Chambers Walkthrough Chamber 40

by gamecheats via MobiCheats - Iphone/Android - Cheats+Walkthrough

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